Internet of Business
Do Business Differently, Today.


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A7 IoB® for

Futureproof your business with insights and analytics
Scale with integrated cloud applications
Find out how you rank in the industry
Leverage on our ecosystem of service providers


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dashboard image

A7 IoB® for

Understand your customers more deeply
Gain agility in reacting to market forces
Increase revenue streams using service platform
Improve your customer retention


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A7 IoB® is tailored to deliver value to both enterprises and smaller businesses. Find out how leveraging cloud applications connected to A7 IoB® can improve your business performance with high-precision trading robots.

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Iob for

Connect your business processes and your people while insights are delivered

cost per lead chart image

Total Marketing spend per lead generated

Sales per month chart image

Shows the sales per country

Revenue Per Employee chart image

Shows amount of revenue generated per employee

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Internet of Business - A7 IoB® connects your people and business processes to provide you a comprehensive view of your customers' needs


Configure the metrics on your dashboard to view your business the way you want to

enterprise background image

Iob for

Join the digital ecosystem of businesses while connecting to your customers' needs.

sales pipeline chart image

Measures the amount of sales in the pipeline 

Best selling products

Shows the top 5 selling products according to revenue

cash inflow and outflow chart image

Measures cash flowing out of the company against cash coming in


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